BOOM! the first 5 weeks have gone past rather quickly. A lot has happened and as time went by my list of things to write about got longer and longer and so I started to put it off. Bad idea. Now i have a rather large project ahead of me and i must admit its a little daunting!
For those of you who cant be bothered reading through paragraphs of thoughts, events and stories, or if you just cant stand to read about how some other lucky person is off traveling the world while you're stuck at work (totally understand) This a run down of some of the stuff seen and done, and there are some pics at the bottom.
For the rest of you (hey where did everybody go?) I shall elaborate on the stories of shenanigans, great places i found myself in, and the people I met in more detail some time soon...
in random order (chronological wouldn't make sense would it?)
A380 flight to LAX, got an exit row seat, with more leg room than business class, happy as a pig in brown stuff.
5 hr LAX layover, still havn't slept.
Flight to YVR and finally I succumb to exhaustion, 30 odd hours and I was toast. only got about 90 mins sleep though.
Missed couchsurfers on first night, couldn't be assed stuffing around, too tired, straight to hostel, crash out.
First few days exploring Vancouver, Capilano bridge and the north shore, Stanley Park, downtown area and a visit to Brians for some beers. Weather beautiful.
Whistler next, sea to sky highway is a great drive, despite quite a lot of Olympics roadworks.
Zip trekking, mountain biking, golf and some nice live music from whistler village, what a great place to be. I road all day on my birthday as planned, not all trails were open being so early in the season, but I still had an awesome day. Crank it up was my favourite trail, rode it repeatedly!
The drive to Revelstoke was long, but amazing, so much wonderful scenery. The Shuswap area and accompanying lakes are looking great, ski boats line the frontage of numerous marine outlets.
Checked out the hot springs, old growth forests and waterfalls, there is something awesome everywhere you go!
Despite nice weather, many trails and attractions are still closed, a long, cold, snowy winter left a lot of places still inaccessible.
Driving through Glacier National Park opens up more unbelievable scenery, the mountains through here really start to tower over you.
Northern Lights wolf Sanctuary is eye opening. Hiking with female Wolf "Maya" is very impressive, she is photogenic, but very skittish. A beautiful animal. Never though I would get so close to one out in the open.
Head through Banff to Canmore, meet up with old roommate from London and have a pretty awesome night on the juice.
Climbed Chinamans peak the next day hungover. Best hike, views and experience of the trip so far. Hard work, and not even a big peak! one mad bastard climb up with his unicycle and then rode down it!!
Explored Banff township and Lake Louise area, saw Moraine Lake as well. Lovely places, quite cold here, both lakes still frozen over, but melting.
Had a run in with a large bear on the wrong side of the wildlife fence along the highway. Not sure if it was a grizzly, but it was bloody big, ended up running right behind the car!
Icefields Parkway drive from Lake Louise, not as eye bulging as I expected, again a number of lakes and water falls still very iced up. I think the Glacier national Park region is more impressive. Went as far north as Columbia Icefield, worst weather of the trip on arrival, 6c, dark clouds and windy. upon departure an hr later, the wind had gone and the sun was shining.
Headed back to Vancouver via Kelowna. Its hot here, almost 30c. Its a very summery place even though there are a number of ski mtns close by for winter. Wing night at local pub, i gorged. Tried the "Johnny Cash" wings (stupidly hot) not my cuppa really.
Roadworks force a detour back to Vancouver, lose almost 2 hrs to delays etc.
Next trip was to Vancouver Island, ferry from Tsawwassen (spelt something remotely like that) to Nanaimo and then drove across the island through Port Alberni to Ucluelet.
"Ukee" is a small place some kilometres from the larger, more touristy Tofino. Its very surf cultured, laid back. Everyone knows everyone here.
Saw the main beaches of, and I will use the slang, Wick and Flo. Ocean temperate might as well be below zero. Surf... I don't think so.
Stayed in a beautiful big house and got a pretty good introduction to this area. Saw Sea Lions, Bald Eagles, bears, and Whales. Ate amazing sushi, (salmon country !!) went fishing and ocean kayaking.
Had a great beach fire on a secluded beach 2 nights in a row, huge big cliff face on one side and a nice little inlet on the other.
Will also mention the weather here for the week was the best in history. high 20's to 30 everyday. Got sunburnt, swam in a bloody cold but bearable lake (with snow on tops of the mountains in the background!!) and got bitten by the worst insect in the world - Blackflies, I am still itching weeks later.
Camping, now this was a hoot! soooo much happened that if you want the full story you will have to read the associated post. Got lost in the dark then punctured. got found, guy rolled his 4x4, we somehow got it out the next day! Shooting tournaments with rifles and shotguns! Insane off roading, another car nearly over a water fall. Drinking, beer bongs, and accidents leaving me with more cuts, bruises, sprains and swollen limbs than the guy who rolled his car!!
Have been visiting local areas since returning, such as Granville Island, Richmond, Burnaby and White Rock. Now looking for the next adventure!
right, so some photos and a video maybe and then I'm done for now. Gotta go do somethin!
I have learnt my lesson, I wont leave it so long in future!!
I think this video was taken driving through Glacier National Park

Seton Lake, could be wrong on this one, my bad. was in the middle of nowhere!

This big Lake was actually dammed at the right of shot, hydro plant.

some nice afternoon sun coming through near this random waterfall
The view from Chinamans Peak, over the edge goes straight down!
Parts of Lake Louise where melting
Humphrey, he looks friendly right?
Athabasca Glacier & the Columbia Icefields Centre